Flying up side up

Flying up side up
All wobbly like
An old biplane crashes
Like a chick takes flight
Not at all like the phoenix.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Skate Park Weekend

This past weekend with the kids was pretty chill :)  They brought their scooters and on Saturday morning we headed to the skate park.  As they were skating, it was announced that free classes were going to start shortly, and if anyone wanted to participate, they would get a loaner board and helmet.  All three jumped in line and  grabbed a board! (Will in orange, Megan in stripes, and Elizabeth in yellow)

After the class we headed home and had lunch, and then chilled out, played games (I suck at battleship!) and watched a movie.  As it was getting closer to bed time, we took turns building a story.  It was a lot of fun!

Sunday morning, Elizabeth got up early and made me coffee before breakfast!  After breakfast, it was back to the skate boards on Sunday, just scooters, and we had the park pretty much to ourselves.  Then we headed to Luna Park cafe for milkshakes and lunch!

 On the way home from lunch, the freeways were a nightmare because of Obama's visit, so instead of heading back to the skate park, we headed home and watched a movie on tv, then played Uno until it was time for the trek to Tukwila.  Lots of fun :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Working from home...

looking out the window, wishing that the summer hadn't gone by so quick.  Not that it wasn't exceptional, it was just too darned quick...and things don't seem to be slowing down at all either.  I already have plans well into October!

I have been taking the kids to music lessons for the past few months.  Every Tuesday.  They seem to get cranky about going, but always have a real good time once they get there.  Not sure if I had mentioned that when Nathan was up here last month, we all took an instrument and formed a "band!"  The instructor was quite impressed with Nathan's guitar playing.  Last night it was Megan on drums, Elizabeth on keyboard, and William on guitar...quite a joyous cacophony! Elizabeth would look over at me and wink at me, big ol' smile on her face,  William was hitting the chord changes right on time, and Megan was bobbing her head and banging on the drums doing her best to keep time for "the band."  Totally fun to watch!

Woody and I are going to the Wallowas soon.  He has quite an ambitious itinerary for us it seems.  I am getting stoked for that.  I need some time in the backcountry.  Must remember to bring some hunter orange to wear...not wanting to get shot at.  I wish Sandy could go.   Other than that, MPK and I have plans to go hiking in a few weeks, most likely a day trip unless I can talk Sandy and him into an overnighter.

As for the group I am working with here in Seattle, they are moving forward gangbusters.  Quite fun, but a lot of work.

Well, thats about it for the news.  Back to work for this kid.  I will try not to stare out the window....