Flying up side up

Flying up side up
All wobbly like
An old biplane crashes
Like a chick takes flight
Not at all like the phoenix.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

And the good news is...

it's official, I got a new job. Super stoked!  Not that being a freelancer was a bad experience at all, quite the opposite, I learned a lot and accomplished a lot and freelance gave me a flexibility that was hard to beat.  Self-employment taxes are a killer, and I won't miss those.    

In other news, its sunny out and the blue angels are flying over today making a racket!  I love it when they fire their afterburners and roar (if in fact that is what they are doing, but I am going to go with a little poetic license)!   I would like to post a picture, but this whole getting old thing sucks.  I can't make it out onto the balcony in time.  Anyway, by the time you hear them they are gone for the most part.  I did see a formation of four over the space needle quite luckily.

Sandy is all fired up about the Olympics and watches them until way past my bedtime! Last night she hollered loud when somebody won, I think it was the kid from Bremerton, oh she was hooting and  I woke up ready for the zombie apocalypse!  After that I was like Eeyore what with my bum knee and all hurting. You would be surprised at how much you move your leg when you sleep; I am talking rotational movement on a vertical axis and damn that hurts so you stay half-awake all night...uh oh, here comes Eeyore!   'nuff said.  My plants are dying and I must do something about it.  Today.  One I even have to call Mike for a consultation.  Lord, I used to be so good to my plants and nowadays I neglect them as a hobby. 

A special shout out to Kelly 'cause she's my sister!  Kelly and I had the nerve one time to jump onto the back bumper of Dad's work truck so that we could surprise him at his next stop.  Wholly in God's hand we did not fall off before someone flagged him down in a panic as two children excitedly clung to that one little door handle going down a main road.  When he stopped, we were so proud of each other.  Our plan worked!  We surprised him and he was never so glad to see us!  Hugs all around!  Mom hugged us when we got home!  Even after they explained to us the necessity of NEVER doing that again, and some 45 years of experience that can only imagine how horrifying that would have been as a parent, we worked!   That's the good news.