Flying up side up

Flying up side up
All wobbly like
An old biplane crashes
Like a chick takes flight
Not at all like the phoenix.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is it time for an update?

I don't know, maybe, but come to think of it, I am not sure what I would be updating you on!  I guess I could tell you that I have been uber productive lately on a number of fronts.  The non-profit I am working with in Seattle is getting ready to have their first real fundraiser.  I told you a while back that I had done well and scored $K's for them, which I did, but the investment they made stands to net even more.  It's possible that they could quadruple their money which would set them well on the road to meet their goals.  Is that the first revolution of a trains' wheels I am hearing?  The ones that bring the cars taut together?  I hope so.  My work in Pierce County has been solid as well, and its fun when the editor is better than the writer, cause then you can write nearly anything germane to the topic and the editor plugs it in where it should be.  PD-P=awesome.

We had a good weekend over on the eastside last weekend.  We hit Grandmas on Friday night, played mini-putt in Leavenworth and sat by the river at 8-mile then tubing on the Wenatchee river.  The kids didn't listen to me straight away on the river, fighting me on my recommendation to stay together.  They were safe, but disconcerted about getting somewhat separated on the river. Once back to Grandma's, they were back in the pool and downing hot dogs.  We played a variation on the game of Dominoes that mom taught us.  It was fun and we all took turns winning :)  We are all looking forward to seeing Nathan next week.  Camping please.

They  next morning they all cooked breakfast and Grandma was totally in her element!  She really didn't do anything but encourage them and breakfast was served post haste!

Dropping them off was kind of a drag.  William went against my wishes by snagging the stunt kite and jumping into his mothers van.  He wouldn't give it back!  I understand on one level that he wants to show it off and that he is rightfully proud of his new found skill.  I get that. But on the other hand is my selfish wish to share something only with him...which is stupid, because we do share things unique to just us.  It was frustrating on another level because I know too that if the shoe were on the other foot, I would have supported Mary's parental role especially over what is so common as children of divorced parents having things unique to one parents household.  Since then its been hugs all around though, at least with us kids :)

 Living.  Present.  Mindful.  Deliberate.
Stretched.  Confronted.
Malleable. Reactionary. Compensatory.
Losses. Gains.

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